The MOVEMENT IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT is a 10 movement assessment will test your mobility needs as a runner.
IMPORTANT If you experience pain during a test, discontinue immediately and mask the movement as "Non-Optimal" in the survey. If your pain worsens or persists you should consult your doctor.
There are four areas (complexes) that will be tested in the YKW10, each one has videos of the movements and will be covered in the assessment at the end. The four complexes are:
- Shoulder Complex
- Hip Complex
- Ankle Complex
- Total Body Complex
Take note what score (Optimal or Non-Optimal) on each movement. There will be an assessment at the end that will determine your Personal Protocol movements that will be sent to you via email. This is not a pass/fail assessment, but the survey options will be:
- Optimal - You were able to complete the movement as directed on both sides without a large difference between sides.
- Non-Optimal (R/L) - If you are
unable to complete the movement as directed or felt pain during the movement, mark that movement as Non-Optimal.